September 23, 2017

Yesterday there were a few issues but the most critical involved Cliff's requirement for oxygen. He has been pretty comfortable on an oxygen level of 3 for the past two and half to three weeks. This was increased a couple days ago to 4 when he was facing the PEG procedure. Yesterday, his oxygen levels drops so drastically that they increased the size of the tube where he receives his oxygen and bumped it up to 10! They are constantly monitoring this now because if his oxygen levels drop again, they will send him to ICU.

They are continuing to monitor his body's response to the food going through the PEG. Since he had not really eaten anything for quite a few days, it can be very dangerous when introducing food again.

He has had a lot of visitors, which he always enjoys, but we have been trying to limit the stays. We first thought we might be coming home Sunday but now it is looking more like Monday or Tuesday and we still have a lot of information we need before that takes place!

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.


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