September 28, 2017
We encountered some new problems today that left us all, including the Hospice folks, scratching our heads. I had mentioned in past blogs that Cliff's pain management was pretty much under control with the methadone but after missing several doses, it sent him into a tail spin. During the night he had a lot of difficulty with pain and breathing and then this morning he was really suffering. After my emergency call to Hospice, we gave him more pain meds and anxiety medicine through the PEG and it seemed to do the trick for awhile. Then when our Hospice nurse came, Cliff's pain level increased and I drained his Pleurex. Right after that, he was hit with a bout of nausea which he has never experienced. I was relieved the Hospice nurse was there and he had me give Cliff some anti-nausea medicine in his PEG again. This seemed to help but Cliff was extremely groggy and slept for quite awhile. When the Methadone was due again, I woke him up and gave him all the meds he required throug...